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Rosehip, Aloe Vera & Hibiscus Iced Tea

1L Serving(s)

Try this iced delicious floral brew to keep you hydrated this Summer. Refreshing, fruity and rich in antioxidants, this powerful skin tonic of vibrant hibiscus flowers, deep red rosehips & soothing aloe vera will have you glowing in the sun. 

Makes 1 litre


3 tea pyramids of Aduna Radiance Rosehip, Aloe Vera and Hibiscus Super Tea
1 litre, freshly boiled water

To serve:

strawberries, sliced
mint leaves
ice cubes


Pour the freshly boiled water over the tea bags in a heatproof jug and allow them to brew for 10 minutes. Remove the teabags and allow the tea to cool fully for a couple of hours - you can place the jug in the fridge to speed up the process.

To serve, fill each glass almost to the top with the chilled tea, add a couple of ice cubes, some strawberry slices and fresh mint leaves. 


Recipe by Nourishing Amy

Ingredients list: