Ababu Barkofoba

Aduna Baobab Producer - Ababu Barkofoba

Aduna brings African superfoods from village to shelf, creating sustainable livelihoods for producers. Through our baobab fruit supply chain, over 2,300 women in Upper East Ghana and Centre-Sud Burkina Faso are receiving sustainable incomes. Here is the story of one of these women, Ababu Barkofoba.

Married. 6 kids. Baobab Producer & Farmer. Nankum, Burkina Faso.

"I have been farming all my life. I am now 33 years old. Our land used to be very beautiful but now all of its beauty is gone. We had trees that protected the soil. But now the rains wash everything away. The Great Green Wall is about planting new trees. Trees give us pride.

Life was truly hard before Aduna came. We used to harvest baobab, bring them to the house and say “O, I have a lot of baobab”. But processing was so hard that you would only do one bowl of powder at a time. You would take it to market, sell it for cheap and even spend the money before going home. Now we sell just the fruits and all in one go. Having money you can plan with makes a huge difference. My plan is to invest everything I can in my children’s school fees. I hope they will be successful in the future and can take care of me when I am old."

Interview and photographs by Nana Kofi Acquah.

Ababu Barkofoba & Family

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