Batebe Atesu

Aduna Baobab Producer - Batebe Atesu

Aduna brings African superfoods from village to shelf, creating sustainable livelihoods for producers. Through our baobab fruit supply chain, over 2,300 women in Upper East Ghana and Centre-Sud Burkina Faso are receiving sustainable incomes. Here is the story of one of these women, Batebe Atesu.

Married. 6 kids. Baobab Producer, Farmer and Trader. Kayilo, Ghana.

“The baobab tree is a big blessing. In the past we did not know it was this valuable. The fruits used to drop and we didn’t even bother picking them. Life used to be really hard. Today we sell the fruits and make a lot of money. Our lives are transformed. I sell Aduna my baobab and I work in their processing centre. We get support and training in many areas.

I split my money in three: I spend some on my children’s education, I am also a trader so I invest some in stock for my shop and I spend some on myself, making sure I look good. Nowadays, we dress so well, we look like young girls from a distance. It is when we get closer, that you realize we are old women. Thanks to Aduna, we have all become young ladies in this community.”

Interview and photographs by Nana Kofi Acquah.

Batebe Atesu & family

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