
Chocolate Pumpkin Loaf

Chocolate Pumpkin Loaf

Pumpkins certainly aren't just for carving at Halloween and this deliciously dense chocolate pumpkin loaf is the perfect accompaniment to your afternoon cuppa. Refined sugar free and packed with flavanol rich Super-Cacao, it's a great recipe to get the kids involved in making too.


For the cake:
4 tbsp Aduna Super-Cacao Powder
440g whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch sea salt
100g stevia powder
50g melted dark chocolate + extra for drizzling
2 large eggs
300ml unsweetened coconut milk
160ml coconut oil
100g pumpkin puree

For the topping:
1 egg yolk
50g pumpkin puree
1 tbsp agave nectar


Preheat the oven to 180ºC degrees.

Combine all the dry cake ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Create a hole in the middle, crack the eggs and pour them in along with the coconut milk, coconut oil, melted chocolate and pumpkin puree. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, being careful not to over mix. Pour the batter into a greased loaf tin.

To make the topping, whisk together all the ingredients and pour the mixture over the cake. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Check the cake is cooked in the middle before removing it from the oven, then allow it to cool down in the tin for approximately 30-60 minutes before slicing.

Drizzle with melted chocolate to serve.


Recipe by The Healthy Beard

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