Our Story

Co Founders Andrew and Nick
Aduna Co-Founders, Andrew Hunt and Nick Salter

Healthier you, Healthier world

Join us on our journey to create a healthier world - starting with ourselves.



Andrew’s life and career in the London advertising industry had seemed a success story until he suffered an unexpected breakdown, spiralling into unemployment and clinical depression. Looking back, he is always grateful for this dark night of the soul, as it led him to The Gambia, where he lived for four years, working in a farming enterprise. It was during this time that he woke up to his health, his purpose, and the transformative power of natural superfoods.

Andrew met his co-founder Nick through their mutual passion for baobab, which they both believed had a unique and inspiring potential: to improve people’s health while transforming the lives and ecosystems of communities in Africa. In 2012, inspired by this model, they co-founded Aduna. Aduna is one of the original pioneers of the industry, blazing the trails in superfood nutrition and sustainable sourcing.

“Aduna means life or world in Wolof, the language of The Gambia & Senegal, where our superfood story began. It speaks to the connection between all living things; an expanded philosophy of wellness which is at the heart of everything we do.”