
Q&A With Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert

Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert
We caught up with Registered Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert for a quick fire Q&A on all things nutrition and fitness. With first class degrees in Nutrition & Health and a diploma in Nutritional Interventions for Eating Disorders, Rhiannon certainly knows what she's talking about and has worked with some of the world's leading athletes and Olympians as well as the Masterchef team. So let's get started...

What are your top 5 foods for fitness?
Oats, salmon, chicken, sweet potatoes & protein powder.

There has been a lot of emphasis on protein in the media recently. How much should we really be eating a day?
The 'right' amount of protein for any individual depends on so many factors including: activity levels; age; muscle mass; physique goals and current state of health. Most official nutrition organisations recommend a modest protein intake of at least one gram per kg of body weight every day as a minimum. For example, a 56kg woman should have no less than 56g a day. However, to maintain optimal health and body composition, your overall diet needs to be balanced and a higher protein intake may be required to achieve your goals.

What are your favourite tips to stay energised throughout the day?
Exercise can stimulate feel good hormones; keeping hydrated will enhance your performance and snacking on protein-rich foods in between balanced meals will ensure you avoid any blood sugar spikes.

Is it better to exercise on an empty stomach or to eat something beforehand?
Whether or not it is better is ultimately dependent on any fitness goals and the type of training they do. I personally cannot exercise without eating beforehand.
How soon after exercising should you eat?
This is dependent on what you plan to eat and the type of exercise but up to 30 minutes later will ensure you refuel optimally.

What's your go-to post-workout meal?
Chicken, brown rice and broccoli.

If you are doing an evening workout, is it better to eat something small afterwards or to have a big meal as normal?
I would recommend enjoying a normal balanced meal after an evening workout. Alternatively, an early evening dinner before a workout should be followed by a snack.

On average, how many times do you workout a week and what's your favourite type of exercise?
I aim to exercise up to 4 times every week, working out one body part at a time. My favourite exercise is a relaxing yoga class.

Finally, Baobab, Moringa or Super Cacao?!
Super Cacao. I love my chocolate porridge and hot cacao!

For more information, please visit or follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

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