
10 of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety

Woman looking relaxed and at ease

Taking care of yourself should be the number one priority on your to-do list, especially when we're up against everyday stresses. We're all guilty of letting our wellbeing slip now and then, and finding the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety that work for you can be hard.

All of us from time to time are going to work late, indulge too much, skip exercise or get a bad night's sleep - these are relatable examples of how easily we fall into habits of not taking the best care of ourselves and how it can trigger stress and anxiety. The trick is to understand which are the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety for you to rely on when you need them most. 

Supplementing with the best natural remedies for managing stress and anxiety can help you live a happier and more well-balanced life.

10 of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety

We've rounded up ten of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety that you can easily incorporate into your busy life.

Spoiler alert: we won't guilt you into going to a Pilates class or tell you to get more sleep - we know you already know this - we share real natural remedies for managing stress and anxiety, you can apply to your everyday life.

The trick to using remedies for stress and anxiety is finding what's right for you. As we all respond differently to things, it's important to be open minded and try different things until you find what is the best natural remedy for stress and anxiety to you.

Some of us love soothing oils and scents whereas others benefit more from the nutrients we get from food and supplements. From herbal teas and superfoods to oils and natural supplements proven to improve your wellbeing, we share the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety and how to introduce these into your daily life.


And no, we don't mean cocoa, the sugary, ultra-processed chocolate powder which is most definitely not a superfood. It's all about cacao. The key ingredient in dark chocolate that makes it good for us.

Renowned for its mood-boosting, happiness-inducing, and mouth-watering properties, cacao is one of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety.

It's even nicknamed "The Food of The Gods" due to its impressive properties and it has a deliciously chocolatey flavour. Win win.

The science:

Cacao's health benefits have a long history; thousands of studies have been completed to demonstrate the link between cacao and our mental wellbeing:

  • It is rich in flavanols, a plant-based antioxidant that has a wide range of health benefits, from reducing tiredness and fatigue to improving heart health, cognitive function and regulating blood pressure.

  • In 2019, University College London carried out a study with 13,000 adults and found those who ate dark chocolate in the past 24 hours were 70% less likely to report feelings of depression.

  • A study at Oxford Brooks University found that Aduna Super Cacao Powder helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue thanks to its high flavanol content. Participants either had a flavanol-rich hot chocolate made with Aduna Super Cacao Powder or a low-flavanol version to drink daily for six weeks. 

    These results showed that those given the high-flavanol Super Cacao hot chocolate experienced a 45% improvement in alertness and an 80% boost in walking speed.

  • Aduna Super Cacao is also rich in potassium and magnesium which support neurological and psychological function. Plus, its high flavanol content is also scientifically proven to support heart health including a healthy bloody flow.
  • Cacao contains natural beneficial compounds which act as a precursor to the natural production of serotonin, endorphins and phenylethylamine - the feel good hormones. All of which contribute to enhancing mood and creating feelings of euphoria. Some might even call the best natural remedy for stress and anxiety.

The best way to enjoy:
  • Tea: Wind down with a warming cup of our Relax Super Tea, a cacao and cinnamon fusion
  • Chocolate: Enjoy a high cacao percentage bar of chocolate

Explore our cacao recipes for more inspiration for adding the best natural remedy for stress and anxiety into your diet.


When you think of relaxation, chances are lavender pops into your mind. This lovely lilac herb is the ultimate chill companion, perfect for winding down with a calming bath or drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Lavender's soothing powers are no new secret - it's been a favourite in perfumes, soaps, and even medieval recipes for centuries.

The science:

Alongside it's unmistakable aroma and colour, lavender has been proven as a natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety:

  • A study in the Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry discovered that those who breathed in the scent of lavender arrived less anxious and in an improved mood before their dentist appointment.
  • Another research study completed in the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale shared that lavender essential oil based aromatherapy my help soothe anxiety in high-risk postpartum women. In a 4 week experiment involving 28 women who had given birth in the previous 18 months, researchers found that having 15 minute long aromatherapy sessions twice a week helped alleviate depression in addition to lowering anxiety levels.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Oil: add a few lavender oil drops to your bath or on your pillow for a soothing night's sleep.

  • Candle: light a lavender candle to help fill the air with relaxing aromas.


Known as "The Miracle Tree", moringa is one of the most nutrient-dense plants on the planet. This adaptogenic powerhouse has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is said to hold healing benefits. Aduna Moringa Powder is exceptionally rich in nutrients including iron, fibre, calcium and vitamins A, E & K and includes 9 essential amino acids.

The science:

Moringa has been prized since ancient times for its medicinal properites and is used as a natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety:

  • A study in the Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics confirmed that the leaves of the moringa tree are a powerful, natural adaptogen that helps manage stress.

    Never heard of an adaptogen? Adaptogens are herbs or plants that protect the body from the toxic effects of stress. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, they are the ultimate natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety.

    Studies indicate that adaptogens not only help the body to cope with stress, but can enhance general health and performance.
  • Our Aduna Moringa Capsules and Powder contain 30% of your daily iron requirement. Iron is a key component in reducing fatigue and tiredness in the body. Adding moringa to your daily routine is an effective, natural remedy to prevent fatigue that lead to more stress and anxiety.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Powder: Stir, blend or sprinkle Moringa Powder into juices, smoothies and meals.

  • Tea: Wind down with a warming cup of our Cleanse Super Tea, a moringa, mint and nettle fusion.

  • Capsules: For ease and convenience, enjoy our Moringa Capsules on-the-go.

Explore our moringa recipes for more inspiration for adding the best natural remedy for stress and anxiety into our diet.


Best known as "The Tree of Life", the tree products a nutrient-rich superfood known as baobab. It's the only fruit in the world that dries on the branch - you simply crack open the hard shell and sieve the pulp to create a natural fruit powder that is rich in prebiotic fibre and vitamin C.

The science

  • Baobab is packed with vitamin C which has a wonderful way of slowly releasing energy, which prevents us from suddenly feeling tired and impacts our wellbeing.

  • Getting enough vitamin C in our diets can help naturally support with stress and cortisol levels.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Tea: Sip on our Defence Super Tea, a baobab, lemon and ginger fusion.

  • Powder: Stir, blend or sprinkle our Baobab Powder into your smoothies, yoghurts and meals.

Explore our baobab recipes for more inspiration on how to use baobab to manage stress and anxiety

Mindful Superfood Blends

Superfood blends are a great go-to solution for getting all the nourishing ingredients you need and are a fantastic health hack, especially when it comes to finding a natural remedy for stress and anxiety.

With so many superfood blends on the market today, finding the perfect one for you can feel like a treasure hunt. Start with the ingredients list and aim for blends that are 100% natural, organic, and packed with real foods and no nasties. This way, you ensure you're reaping all the amazing benefits these superfoods have to offer, helping you keep stress and anxiety at bay.

The science:

  • Our Mind Advanced Superfood Blend contains 13 superfoods, adaptogens and nootropics, including lion's mane, cacao, reishi and ashwagandha.

  • Lion's Mane was recently used in a study in Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne to see the cognitive function impacts on young adults. The study found that after 48-hours after taking the lion's mane mushroom stress levels were noticeably reduced.

The best way to enjoy:

The great thing about our superfood blends is that they are so versatile to use. For example, take 2 teaspoons (8g) of Aduna Mind Advanced Superfood Blend daily and:

  • Whizz into a hot chocolate or mocha.

  • Stir into yoghurt and oats.

  • Blend into shakes & smoothies.

  • Use in baking recipes.



Omega-3, originally derived from fish oil, contains fatty acids, which are the good kind of fats you want in your body. These 'healthy fats' are particularly good for your heart health, and recent studies say they are also proven to be a great natural remedy for managing stress and anxiety.

The science:

  • Researchers found that people who took high doses of omega-3s have a reduction in anxiety symptoms. A lack of omega-3s in the brain may induce various behavioural and psychiatric disorders that lead to anxiety and similar mental health concerns.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Supplements: Take Omea-3 supplements daily.

  • Fish: You can enjoy fish such as mackerel or salmon to get a healthy dose of Omega-3

  • Other foods: If you don't eat fish, enjoy omega-3 rich foods like chia seeds, edamame, flaxseed oil, and walnuts.


Hibiscus isn't just a pretty flower; it's one of the ultimate remedies for stress and anxiety. Known as the 'superflower', hibiscus has been an ancient symbol of beauty and wellbeing for centuries. Not only is Aduna Hibiscus Powder packed with iron, calcium, fibre and plant protein, there has been a range of studies that show how this ingredient can help manage stress and anxiety.

The science:

Hibiscus is packed with the essential minerals to help improve overall wellbeing:

  • Our Aduna Hibiscus Powder is a source of iron that reduces tiredness and fatigue in the body, and also contributes to cognitive health that enables the ability to think more clearly - especially useful when feeling stressed.

  • SMS Medical College in India found that hibiscus is rich in antioxidants which help alleviate stress - a common contributor to anxiety. It also contains compounds that promote the production of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones that enhance your mood and help you relax (ali et al., 2016).

  • Additionally, hibiscus has natural melatonin, which aids in regulating sleep patterns, ensuring you get a restful night's sleep (Parmar et al., 2018). So, whether you're sipping on a soothing cup of hibiscus tea or incorporating hibiscus powder into your meals, this powerful flower can be a key ally in your battle against stress and anxiety.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Tea: Enjoy a warming cup of our Radiance Super Tea, a hibiscus, elderberry and rosehip fusion.

  • Powder: Stir, blend or sprinkle hibiscus powder to your juices, smoothies and breakfast bowls.

Explore our hibiscus recipes for more inspiration for adding one of the best natural remedies for stress and anxiety into your diet.



Similar to lavender, the chamomile plant has become synonymous with relaxation for its calming scent, making it the go-to natural remedy for stress and anxiety. But chamomile's benefits don't stop there; it's also renowned for supporting digestion and gut health.

Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that can help soothe the digestive tract, reducing symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas. This gentle herb promotes a healthy gut environment, which is essential for overall wellbeing and can further help alleviate stress and anxiety - making it one of the go-to natural remedies for stress and anxiety.

The science:

  • A clinical trial in 2016 did a study to determine the impact chamomile has on anxiety, it found that long-term use of chamomile could significantly reduce moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety.

  • The calming properties of chamomile help with sleep as it contains calming properties and promotes relaxation. In a study at the Bio Medical Centre, they used chamomile on people suffering with insomnia and found that it had a positive impact on improving sleep.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Superfood Blend: Take 2 teaspoons (8g) daily of Aduna Digestion Blend (featuring chamomile, baobab, moringa and more) to your smoothies, juices and meals.

  • Oil: Add a few chamomile oil drops to your bath or on your pillow for a soothing night's sleep.

  • Tea: Drink a warming chamomile tea.

  • Candle: Light a chamomile candle to help fill the air with relaxing aromas.



We all know that going for a massage is a relaxing treat. We can't do it all the time, but when you're particularly stressed or anxious, it is worth remembering.

Massages have a positive impact on our wellbeing. They can relieve stress and promote relaxation. Getting a massage is a unique natural remedy for stress and anxiety. A massage therapist listens to your needs and concerns and then creates a nurturing place to relax.

The science:

  • Massages have been proven to bring us a psychological and physiological reduction in stress. A study at the University of Konstanz found that people who had a short 10 minutes massage were more relaxed and better equipped for fighting stress.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Book a massage: Treat yourself to aromatherapy session.



In recent years, sage has become a well-known remedy for stress and anxiety. It's known to sharpen your mind and improve clarity, especially useful on cloudy days.

An ancient ritual of burning sage has become an increasingly popular part of people's self-care routine. Many people find it a great exercise for relaxation and focus, particularly against everyday stress and anxiety.

The science:

  • Studies have proven that sage slowly releases enzymes that break down acetylcholine (Ach), an important neurotransmitter; inhibiting these enzymes can improve mood by maintaining optimal levels of Ach.

  • Sage is a commonly used traditional medicine in Latin America, with many medical reports in Mexico sharing that its healing properties are used to reduce anxiety and to lower blood pressure on patients.

The best way to enjoy:

  • Supplements: You can take daily sage leaf supplements or capsules.

  • Tea: You can enjoy a cup of sage tea for relaxing.

  • Burning sage: Cleanse your home and get clarity.

  • Oil: You can use drops of sae essential oils in your bath or massage into your temples.

We hope now you have these simple, everyday remedies at your fingertips you feel better equipped to managing everyday stress and anxieties. So whether you're sipping on a calming cup of Moringa Tea, adding some of our Mind Blend into your morning smoothie, or simply enjoying the soothing scent of lavender, remember that managing stress can be both simply and enjoyable. So, go ahead give these best natural remedies for stress and anxiety a try and watch as they gently weave a little more peace into your days.

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